Commands for LaserBot because yeah.

Prefix - ==

Copypasta Commands





==owo - the classic sin.

==navyseal - the pasta that started it all.

Admin Shit

==purge - purges messages. example - ==purge 69
==kick - self explanatory. example - ==ban @laserraptorz#5550 playing fortnight
==ban - self explanatory. example - ==ban @laserraptorz#5550 posting gore
==report - reports users to log channel. example - ==report @laserraptorz#5550 being a stupid fattie
==serverinfo - self explanatory.
==weather - shows weather for specified place. example - ==weather London
==lockdown - mutes entire channels. example - ==lockdown 10s (s = seconds, m = minutes, h=hours)
==shutdown - kills LaserBot, only useful after an update or if its been 1337 HAXORRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111oneoneone